EC sues Latvia, Greece and 4 other countries

EC sues Latvia, Greece and 4 other countries


The European Commission will file a lawsuit in the European Court of Justice against six countries EU for “failure to prevent the introduction of invasive alien species harmful to European nature”.

As explains  BB.LV, invasive alien species are animals and plants that are deliberately or accidentally introduced (transferred) to an area where they are not normally found.

On January 26, the European Commission decided to sue six countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Ireland, Latvia and Portugal. They are charged with failure to comply with various provisions of the regulation on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species, which are one of the five main causes of biodiversity loss in Europe and in the world.

These are animals and plants introduced into the natural environment, where they are not usually present, as a result of human activities – either accidentally or intentionally. They pose a serious threat to native European plants and animals, and annually cost the European economy 12 billion euros. As stated in the communication on the European Green Deal and the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030, the fight against invasive species is an important aspect of the European Union’s efforts to halt biodiversity loss.

The regulation contains measures to be taken throughout the EU in relation to invasive alien species of concern in the EU. However, the six Member States listed above have not developed, implemented and communicated to the EU an action plan to prevent the most important pathways for the introduction and spread of invasive alien species.