PM Mitsotakis: The bet for our second tenure is better jobs and better wages

PM Mitsotakis: The bet for our second tenure is better jobs and better wages

Πηγή: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in his weekly Sunday post on Facebook said: “I will start a bit differently this review today and refer to a comment I read a few weeks ago, it was rather an idea, and I remember it because I knew that this idea was already being planned (by the government).

It said that in the last year a dentist check for children aged from 6 to 12 is being applied in Cyprus and that the messages were very positive, so, I have the pleasure to tell you that this week we announced the programme Dentist Pass, the preventive dentist care for 660,000 pupils.

This is offered for the first time in Greece and is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund”. He also referred to his visit last week to the Attica town of Korydallos and to the relocation of Korydallos prison saying that the project has delayed, expressing however his certainty that it will be implemented in this government’s second term.

On the unemployment and ERGANI’s annual report for 2022, he said that the government created more and better paid jobs. “Of course we have a long way to go to converge with the European acquis. The wages and the available income continue to be very low in Greece, but we are in the right direction. In our first four-year tenure our bet was to have lower taxes and investments. Our target for the second tenure is better jobs and better wages and primarily for the young that are now entering the labour market. We have the obligation to continue to work hard to build a Greece where the young people will have many opportunities for professional progress.