First poll in 2023: Difference ND-SYRIZA below 7%

First poll in 2023: Difference ND-SYRIZA below 7%

Πηγή: Αρχείου

According to ALCO conducte don behalf of Alpha TV, the difference between ND and SYRIZA is 6.9 points.

In the first public opinion poll for 2023, the difference between ruling conservative New Democracy and main opposition party, left-wing SYRIZA has fallen below 7 percent, as the price hikes keep bothering the Greek public.

According to ALCO conducte don behalf of Alpha TV, the difference between ND and SYRIZA is 6.9 points.

A rise for New Democracy and SYRIZA and losses for PASOK have been recorded in the first major poll for 2023.With the difference between the first two parties at 6.9%, PASOK seems to be losing in preference with 10.7% and a loss of 0.7% compared to previous poll.

KKE maintains more or less the same percentage. It is interesting that both the Greek Solution and MeRA25 show a rise, and so does the party of Golden Dawn convict Kassidiaris what gains 2.6%. Note that the government is preparing a legislation to prohibit a convict for participating in elections rally.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis maintains a large lead of 10%, with an increase of two points – over Alexis Tsipras (an increase of one point) in the question of which political leader the citizens trust as prime minister.

For PASOK’s Nikos Androulakis the preference is at 7%.

“None” said 23%.