Epiphany: traffic restrictions in Athens and Piraeus

Epiphany: traffic restrictions in Athens and Piraeus


Drivers earnestly request for better service and to avoid additional traffic problems, avoid the passage of their vehicles on the above roads at the specified time intervals and follow the instructions of the traffic controllers.

Traffic will be restricted on Friday, January 6th in Athens and Piraeus, in connection with the planned events on the occasion of the celebration of the Epiphany.

In the areas of Ι.Ν. Αγίου Διονυσίου Αρεοπαγίτη και στη Δεξαμενή στην Αθήνα, as well as in the central port of Piraeus, traffic will be reorganized on the following road sections:

1. Ι.Ν. Αγίου Διονυσίου Αρεοπαγίτη και στη Δεξαμενή στην Αθήνα

To prohibit the stopping and parking of vehicles, the gradual cessation of their movement (with the exception of vehicles of participants in these events) in the period from 06:00 to 13:00:

  • Skouf, in the area between Omiru Street and Filiki Eteria Square.
  • Demokritou, on the site between Solonos and Skoufa streets.
  • Lycabettus along the entire length.
  • Glykonos, at the height of the reservoir.
  • Fokilido, in the area between Glykonos and Pindarou streets.
  • Filiki Eteria Square, on the site between Tsakalova and Skuf streets.
  • Herodotus, on the site between Patriarch Joachim Street and Dexameni Square.
  • Heraclitou, in the area between Platia Dexameni and Skouf street.
  • Patriarch Joachim, on the site between Tsakalova and Herodotus streets.

2. Piraeus Central Port, Piraeus Municipality:

Prohibit stopping and parking of vehicles from 06:00 to 13:00, gradual cessation of their movement from 09:00 to 13:00:

  • You. Georgiou, on the section between Ir. Polytechnic and national resistance.
  • Akti Miauli, in the area between Vas.Georgiou streets in both traffic flows.
  • Eph. Antistaseos, in the area between Vas.Georgiou and Tsamadu streets.
  • Akti Poseidonos, in the area between Aristidou and Akti Miaoulis streets.

Drivers earnestly request for better service and to avoid additional traffic problems, avoid the passage of their vehicles on the above roads at the specified time intervals and follow the instructions of the traffic controllers.