Greek PM: We are in the “Champions League” of the Recovery Fund

Greek PM: We are in the “Champions League” of the Recovery Fund

Πηγή: Αρχείου

He characterized the renegotiation of the Fund with a law and an article as talk of the wind

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had a meeting with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schinas, at his office in the Maximos Mansion.

“We are at the forefront of disbursements having submitted a coherent plan whose benefits concern the entire Greek society”, said Kyriakos Mitsotakis regarding the National Recovery and Resilience Plan while focusing on the excellent level of cooperation during the last three years with the Vice President of the European Committee, Margaritis Schinas. “I think we have achieved a lot in these three years in extremely adverse conditions,” Mr. Mitsotakis emphasized at the beginning of the meeting.

Spurious talk about renegotiation of the Fund should not be heard

“I want to make it clear that the way of revising the Recovery Fund is determined by the founding act of the fund itself. Spurious talk about the renegotiation of the Fund through a single law should not be heard because once again they mislead the Greek public opinion and create expectations which are completely non-existent”, added the Prime Minister

“We are indeed in the “Champions League” of the Recovery Fund. I believe we will have good news tomorrow from Brussels on this matter. Another equally important matter is the approval earlier this week of the national plan, the Greek plan for the new CAP amounting to 13.6 billion euros”, emphasized Mr. Schinas, adding finally that “the conclusion is that in all of these issues, Greece is at the heart of European affairs and Europe is the protagonist in all of these. I think this is the safest lesson of the last three years”