Israeli DM Gantz in Athens: Israel considers Greece a “strategic partner’

Israeli DM Gantz in Athens: Israel considers Greece a “strategic partner’

Πηγή: Αρχείου

Both countries have also stepped up joint military training and exchanges, as well as engaging in strategic dialogue.

The defense ministers of Greece and Israel met in Athens on Friday for a series of high-profile and closely watched talks aimed to boost burgeoning bilateral ties in defense and security even more.

The arrival of Israeli Defense Minister and Deputy PM Benjamin Gantz was also noteworthy in that a previous visit by the latter had been postponed, although a similar visit to Ankara had proceeded last month – viewed as part of efforts to mend the extremely strained relations between Turkey and Israel over the past decade.

“Greece and Israel have forged a strategic relationship based on strong friendship and our common vision for the creation of an environment of security, stability and prosperity in the eastern Mediterranean and in the wider region,” Greek Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos said in welcoming his Israeli counterpart to the defense ministry with full military honors.

Among others, the Hellenic Air Force has selected an Israeli contractor to build and co-manage a military flight school in the extreme southern Greek city of Kalamata, a project worth more than 1.6 billion euros. Additionally, Israeli companies purchased the previously state-owned ELVO military vehicle manufacturer in Thessaloniki, while the Greek side is entertaining prospects of acquiring Israeli-made weapons systems and related know-how.

Both countries have also stepped up joint military training and exchanges, as well as engaging in strategic dialogue.

In a dig directed at neighboring Erdogan-led Turkey, Panagiotopoulos added that “…aggressive revisionism is the greatest challenge we face in our region…it constitutes a serious threat for the international rule of law.”

The Greek minister also congratulated Gantz for a recent agreement between Israel and Lebanon on the delimitation of their maritime zones, which he hailed as an example to be followed by all countries of the region – another indirect but obvious reference to Turkey. On his part, the Israeli minister underlined that the international situation is changing due to repercussions of the war in Ukraine and what he charged was Iranian aggressiveness, “a threat for the region and the world”.

Gantz said it was imperative to end Iranian influence and repeated that his government will deal with “any attempt to build terrorist bases on the country’s borders”.

Regarding Greek-Israeli relations, he said they;re based on three pillars: a common interest to ensure security and stability in the eastern Med and the Middle East; shared values of democracy, as both peoples love and protect their freedom; and finally, friendship.

“Our relations are built on foundations of trust and continuous communication” Gantz said, adding that Israel considers Greece a “strategic partner”.

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