Greek Energy MIn. proposes electrical interconnection of Greece – Austria – Germany

Greek Energy MIn. proposes electrical interconnection of Greece – Austria – Germany

Πηγή: Αρχείου

The goal is to transfer green energy from Greece - Initial capacity at 3 GW

Τhe Minister of Environment and Energy Kostas Skrekas proposed a humongous project for the direct electrical interconnection of Greece with Austria and Germany was proposed to the competent ministers of the two states.

As Mr. Skrekas announced while speaking at the Renewable & Storage Forum organized by energypress: “I submitted a proposal to my ministerial counterparts for the direct electrical interconnection of Greece with Austria and Southern Germany with a cable through Albania and the Western Balkans. In Southern Germany there is a need for green energy and our proposal foresees an initial transmission capacity of 3 GW and then the possibility of increasing it to 9 GW. Green energy will be produced in Greece,” said the minister.

A little earlier he had dotted on the works in progress in order to increase the capacity of the electrical connections of Greece with Bulgaria, Albania, North Macedonia and also Italy.

He also recalled the initiatives for the country’s electrical interconnections with Cyprus and Egypt in order to transfer green energy to Greece which would then export it to Europe.