How Global Cyberwar is Affecting Greece and How to Stay Safe

How Global Cyberwar is Affecting Greece and How to Stay Safe


Cyberwar has stepped out of the movies and become a reality, for Greece and the rest of the world. Attacks by governments - such as Russia against Ukraine - as well as cybercriminal have been ramping up in recent years, so you need to know how that affects you. 

Cyberwar has stepped out of the movies and become a reality, for Greece and the rest of the world. Attacks by governments – such as Russia against Ukraine – as well as cybercriminal have been ramping up in recent years, so you need to know how that affects you. 

Cyberwar and cyber-attacks come in many forms. There are stories that hit the news like the hack of the Colonial Pipeline software that caused fuel shortages across the US East Coast in May 2021. 

Other news about the USA facing attacks from China and North Korea regularly makes headlines. Is there anything you can do as a Greek citizen? We’re going to explore:

  • Cyberwar in a global context;
  • Greece’s own local cyberwar;
  • How to stay safe online in uncertain times.

What is the global cyberwar in 2022?

In the lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, there were attacks against the British, Canadian, and American governments. These reportedly came from Russia, yet the most recent attacks from Russia have been against Ukrainian infrastructure. 

European security leaders warned their governments to prepare for large-scale online attacks. These concerns have yet to become reality, although Lithuania has recently experienced a speight of attacks that have been blamed on Russia.

This can feel very remote from you as someone reading the news online. However, in a recent report, it was said that nearly three-quarters of all money paid to ransomware attackers ended up in Russia. This means that small ransoms paid by people and businesses can go on to fund the bigger attacks. 

Recently, the heads of the FBI and MI5 have given warnings about the threat from hackers in China. They’ve cautioned about Chinese businesses attacking Western companies to steal trade secrets, saying it’s a threat to economies as well as national security. 

Cyberwar encompasses many aspects. It’s being used as another weapon in the invasion of Ukraine, as a way to disrupt and destabilize economies, and to gain a competitive advantage. 

How does cyberwar affect Greece?

Greece is a key player in Europe and as such, it is as liable to attack as its allies. Indeed, in 2020 7.75 percent of all cybercrime in the country was reported for obstruction of information systems while 0.1 percent of cybercrime was terrorism-related.

In 2020, there was also a coordinated cyberattack against the Greek government. A slew of official websites and departments received a DDoS attack, flooding the sites and knocking them offline. 

Experts concluded that the attack came from the Turkish government. The action spurred Greece into recruiting more online security experts to counter such threats. 

When it comes to how normal people are affected, 59 percent of reported cybercrime was to do with e-commerce fraud and scams or defamation. These types of crimes affect people like you but the proceeds can fund the bigger picture that we’ve looked at. 

How to protect yourself from cybercrime and cyberwar

A lot of cyber crimes, attacks, and hacks can feel very far removed from your social media browsing or online shopping. However, even as a private citizen, you can do your part to keep your devices safe and prevent hacks. 

Here are our top four tips to keep you safe online:

  • Use a tool such as Surfshark VPN to protect your browsing activity. A VPN will mask the location of your computer and make it harder for someone to hack. 
  • Keep your devices up to date. By always downloading manufacturer updates for your hardware and software, you ensure that known vulnerabilities are patched quickly. 
  • Have antivirus software installed. Windows computers now come with Windows Defender which is a powerful tool to prevent attacks on your device. 
  • Be skeptical of online offers. If you see something that’s too good to be true, it probably is – investigate websites and companies you pay money to before you buy online. 

The future of global cyberwar

Global spending on online security is growing. Threats can come from many sides, whether that be a struggle between global superpowers like the US and China or through local disputes as Greece has seen. 

By doing your part to stay safe, you help prevent online criminals from funding their next big attack. While we can’t be sure where the next focus of cyberwar will be, you’ll be sure to be as protected from it as possible. 

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