Mitsotakis meets with Prince Charles

Mitsotakis meets with Prince Charles

Πηγή: Instagram - kyriakos_

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis meets with Prince Charles of Wales, to discuss possible best practices for the former royal summer estate in Tatoi, north of Athens.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis paid a visit to the 18th-century Dumfries House estate on Tuesday, following an invitation by Prince Charles of Wales, to discuss possible best practices for the former royal summer estate in Tatoi, north of Athens.

The Dumfries estate is managed by The Prince’s Foundation, which assumed the renovation of the historic house and the working estate, and preserving the cultural heritage of the region was part of the discussion during the meeting between the premier and the prince.

Open to the public, the estate also hosts educational, environmental, and cultural events and is visited by thousands of school children every year.

The invitation to Mitsotakis comes after Prince Charles had expressed keen interest in Tatoi when he had paid a visit to Greece in March 2021 for the centennial of the Greek War of Independence.

“It was a great privilege to join HRH at Dumfries House today and deepen the cultural ties between our two countries. An inspiring visit where I saw first hand how the Prince’s foundation puts sustainability, education and training into action to transform lives.” tweeted the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

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