Online platform for Ukrainian refugee work and health docs to open March 28

Online platform for Ukrainian refugee work and health docs to open March 28


Online platform for Ukrainian refugee work & health docs to open March 28, minister says.

A platform for Ukrainian refugees will go live on March 28, Migration & Asylum Minister Notis Mitarachi said in an interview published on Real News Sunday, facilitating appointments to apply for a temporary protection and identification card.

Mitarachi said they will register for individual appointments at the Asylum Service, in order to be issued with a temporary ID, as well as tax and health ID numbers (AFM and AMKA, respectively). The temporary documents will start being issued as of April 4 at the Asylum offices in the Regions of Attica, Thessaloniki, Patras, and Crete. According to a European directive, the protection will also be applied retroactively to Ukrainian refugees arriving at the European Union as of February 24.

“Following the completion of this process, the displaced individuals will be able to freely select where they wish to reside in Greece,” the minister was quoted by the newspaper as saying. “They will also gain direct access to pharmaceutical and medical care, and the right to work. The ministry will also active a special job-related page, where jobs addressed to Ukrainian refugees will be posted,” he added.

Temporary suspension of ELTA commercial IT system due to cyber attack

In the meantime, Hellenic Post (ELTA) announced on Monday the temporary suspension of the commercial IT system of all post offices due to a cyber attack through malware the previous night.

According to a statement, ELTA was the target of “a cyber attack on its information systems last night through malware. The immediate reaction and the actions of the competent officials limited and prevented the spread of the attack. We were immediately informed and we are working closely with all relevant government authorities as well as with IT companies specialising in cybersecurity.”

As a precaution and for security reasons, it was decided to isolate the company’s entire data centre until all the required actions are completed. Therefore, we announce the temporary suspension of the commercial IT system of all post offices and there will be, later in the day, new information for the public and our customers.”

Hellenic Post, the announcement concluded, apologises for the temporary inconvenience, which is due to the actions of common cybercriminals and gives its assurance that all possible efforts are being made for a return to normalcy as soon as possible.

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