Mitsotakis to announce new support measures in address on Wednesday

Mitsotakis to announce new support measures in address on Wednesday

Πηγή: Archive Photo

Fuel market has a cap on profits, Georgiadis says

In a televised address on Wednesday afternoon, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is to announce the new support measures designed to help citizens cope with soaring prices, the prime minister’s press office announced.

The measures will then be presented in more detail on Thursday morning by Finance Minister Christos Staikouras, Rural Development and Foods Minister Giorgos Georgantas, Environment and Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas and Alternate Finance Minister Theodoros Skylakakis.

According to an announcement issued by the prime minister’s press office, the ministers will announce the support measures at the General Secretariat for News at 8:30 on Thursday, in a press conference coordinated by Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister and government spokesperson Yiannis Economou.

Fuel market has a cap on profits, Georgiadis says

“With the measures taken by the government and the controls we carry out, we will always have the price of the barrel reduced,” Development and Investments Minister Adonis Georgiadis said on Wednesday in an interview with public broadcaster ERT, referring to the rising cost of energy and its knock-on effect on prices in the market that end up being paid by consumers.

The minister noted that since the maximum profit ceiling has been established throughout the fuel supply chain and continuous inspections are carried out, it is impossible for the fall in the price at refineries to not be passed on to fuel retailers. It is also impossible, he added, because inspections starts at the refinery. “So we check from the time of the import of oil until the time when the fuel arrives at petrol stations,” he said.