Foreign ministry delivers demarche to Russian ambassador over death of 10 Ethnic Greeks in Ukraine

Foreign ministry delivers demarche to Russian ambassador over death of 10 Ethnic Greeks in Ukraine

Πηγή: Archive Photo

The ministry had condemned the deaths by bombing as "unacceptable criminal acts" late on Saturday and again called on Russia to stop its operations against civilians.

Foreign Affairs Ministry Secretary General Themistocles Demiris delivered a demarche to Russian Ambassador Andrey Maslov on Sunday protesting the attacks that have cost the lives of 10 members of the Greek community in the villages of Sartana and Bugas in East Ukraine.

Following orders by Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias, the demarche also presented a verbal notam which includes the ministry’s abhorrence for unwarranted military attacks and calls on Russia to respect international human rights by ending attacks on unarmed civilians.

The ministry “reiterates Greece’s special interest in the safety of Greek citizens and the Greek diaspora on Ukrainian territory, and reiterates its appeal to the Russian Federation, which is carrying out attacks in the region, for respect of their rights and the protection of their lives.”


The ministry had condemned the deaths by bombing as “unacceptable criminal acts” late on Saturday and again called on Russia to stop its operations against civilians.

The deaths were condemned by Greece’s political leaders including the Greek president, prime minister, heads and representatives of political parties, embassies, and foreign leaders.

On Sunday, the Cyprus Republic, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, and Sweden were among the countries expressing condolences to Greece and the families of those killed in eastern Ukraine.

The story

Ten ethnic Greeks got killed in air strikes on Saturday night, in Ukrainian the villages of Sartana and Bugas in East Ukraine.

“10 innocent civilians of Greek origin killed today by Russian air strikes close to Mariupol. Stop the bombing now!” said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in a statement released on social media.

A further 10 ethnic Greeks have been killed during the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine late on Saturday night. According to information, they were killed during Russian air strikes in the city of Mariupol in the country’s south. The Greek political world unanimously condemned the Russian strikes on Saturday night.

“10 innocent civilians of Greek origin killed today by Russian air strikes close to Mariupol. Stop the bombing now!” said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in a statement released on social media.

“More innocent people dead in Ukraine. Deepest condolences to the families of our compatriots that were killed. The Russian invasion has to stop immediately. We need to return to the path of diplomacy,” stated SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras.

However, it was not just the Greek political world that reacted to the news from Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron released a statement on social media written in Greek and condemning the attack.

“It is not just the people of Ukraine who are in mourning today because of the war caused by Russia, but all the people of Europe. Tonight, with grief we think of Greece who unjustly lost 10 members of its community who lived in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol,” stated the French President.

There were six other fatalities in Ukraine’s Greek community on Saturday, including four in the Buhas village in the Donetsk region and two in Sartana on the outskirts of Mariupol.

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