Fines for unvaccinated people over 60

Fines for unvaccinated people over 60
According to government sources, the percentage of vaccinated in this age group, which is the most vulnerable, increased by almost 10 points.

Since Monday administrative fines of 100 euros per month will be imposed to unvaccinated people over 60 years old. For the month of January only, the fine will be 50 euros.

All persons who are permanently resident in Greece and were born before December 31, 1961 must have had at least the first dose of vaccination against Covid-19 on January 16, 2022 in order to avoid the fine. The vaccination must then be completed within the foreseen timeframe.

However, there were not a few who rushed to be vaccinated. By noon on Saturday, 90% of citizens over the age of 60 had been vaccinated or had an appointment for the 1st or 3rd dose of their  vaccine. And this is because now, anyone who has completed 7 months after the 2nd dose is considered unvaccinated, so they should also do the booster.

According to government sources, the percentage of vaccinated in this age group, which is the most vulnerable, increased by almost 10 points.

Specifically, 2,761,838 citizens over 60 have been vaccinated or have made an appointment, and as of November 30, 217,000 people have been vaccinated or have made an appointment.


A fine of 50 euros is certified from January 16, 2022, for half a month. It is pointed out that the deadline expired last night and there will be absolutely no extension. The same sources note that on 17/1 the process of final crossings begins between GSPS, IDIKA and AADE of AMKA and AFM of vaccinated citizens over 60 years, in order to compile the final list, and by the end of the month to make the certificates fines (50 euros for January – half a month – and 100 euros from February).

Who is exempt from the mandatory vaccination

Any exceptions concern foreign residents, those who have a decision to exempt from the obligation of vaccination by the three-member Health Committees of each Region for health reasons (eg severe allergic reaction, diagnosed allergy, history of thrombocytopenia, etc.), those who have been abroad application for home vaccination and no vaccination has yet taken place.

Those exempted from mandatory vaccination include those that have recovered from Covid-19 (for a period of 180 days), those that have applied to be vaccinated at home and have not yet been given an appointment, those for whom vaccination is contraindicated for health reasons and those that have been vaccinated abroad. The last group must register their appointment via the government Covid-19 website, at

Exemption from vaccination for health reasons is established by a three-member committee in each healthcare region, while the deadline to apply to be exempted for medical reasons was January 14. The reply to the application must be given within seven days and is sent to the applicant and the attending doctor electronically. No fines will be imposed until a decision is issued. Citizens whose application for exemption is denied will then have until January 28 in order to receive the first dose of the vaccine in order to avoid a fine.

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