Greek PM announces new economic relief for households

Greek PM announces new economic relief for households
Replacement of the old electrical appliances will be subsidized, which will then be recycled. «Our goal is for all Greek homes to operate with modern and more economical electrical equipment» said Mr. Mitsotakis

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced new relief measures for households and enterprises to withhold surging electricity and energy prices.

As Mr. Mitsotakis said, «For one more month the government will support households, farmers, but now also our businesses in the face of the global energy turmoil. In January alone, it will allocate another 400,000,000 euros, covering a significant part of the increases in electricity bills. And it will constantly monitor the phenomenon until its de-escalation.

The Minister of Energy will make detailed announcements per category in a short time. Both for the state subsidy and for the discounts of PPC and the charges in the gas from DEPA. This is a brave but at the same time realistic aid plan. That helps the present, but does not endanger the future.

The emphasis is, obviously, on the relief of our households. But we also help businesses stay on track for growth, while maintaining valuable jobs. And, mainly, in order not to increase the production costs and this in turn to be passed on to the prices of the products.

This program will soon be accompanied by another one, which concerns overall energy savings. Based on this, the replacement of the old electrical appliances will be subsidized, which will then be recycled. Our goal is for all Greek homes to operate with modern and more economical electrical equipment.

So we continue to meet the challenges of today, while building an optimistic tomorrow for all. With effective measures, but also based on common sense.  We will walk the same path in the new year. With confidence, courage and strength. Because the difficulties can be around us. But the best is ahead of us», he said.


All main housing benefits are subsidized regardless of area, a regulation that affects more than 4 million households. For the first 150 Kwh 80% will be subsidized The average monthly aid for each household is 42 euros All non-household invoices are subsidized horizontally. The subsidy will amount to 50% of the value and will cover the total consumption. From February onwards, the subsidy will be adjusted by professional sector.

Natural Gas – Household tariffs

Subsidy of 20 euros per thermal MWh Natural – Non-household invoices Subsidy extends to all consumers regardless of business size, turnover and number of employees

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