KINAL elections: The new player on the political chessboard and next day’s bet

KINAL elections: The new player on the political chessboard and next day’s bet
KINAL Elections: A new player on the chessboard came forth into the political life of the country, who undoubtedly "puts nails" and threatens bipartisanship.

A new player on the chessboard has emerged through the party’s election, who undoubtedly “puts nails” and threatens bipartisanship. Nikos Androulakis swept in the internal party elections of KINAL with 67.8%.

From the announcement of his candidacy to the presidency

His candidacy for the leadership of the Movement for Change, in the internal party procedures, was officially announced in July by the then MEP Mr. Nikos Androulakis.

Speaking to “Vima tis Kyriakis” and answering a relevant question, Mr. Androulakis had underlined the following:

“Yes, I will be a candidate. I have also stated that the reasons that led me to stand as a candidate, in 2017, have been strengthened. The opportunity we were given at the time, with the participation of 212 thousand citizens, we did not make the most of it. All candidates have a duty to contribute to the upcoming debate on the future of the party being deeply political and refreshing, encouraging our members and friends to participate again, en masse, in this new beginning,” he said.

The nearly 10 points difference of the first round

In the elections of December 5, Nikos Androulakis left George Papandreou with almost 10 points.

The Nikos Androulakis, who collected 98,431 votes (36.88%), second George Papandreou who voted 74,093 voters (27.97%), third Andreas Loverdos with 69,411 votes (25.98%), in fourth place Pavlos Christidis with 8,642 votes (3.25%), fifth Pavlos Geroulanos who collected 7,946 votes (2.92%) and in sixth place Haris Kastanidis with 7,824 votes (2.94%).

The huge interest in the elections

The electoral process, which brought 270,000 of his members and friends to the polls of KINAL and the victory of Mr. Androulakis, an executive of the new generation, brought interest back to the processes of the center-left.

Androulakis Triumph with 67.9%

At 95.37% of the vote, the Nikos Androulakis receives 67.9% (132,706 votes) and George Papandreou 32.1% (62,748 votes).

Today opens a new page for the history of the Democratic Party and PASOK

Shortly before 11 pm the new president of the Movement for Change, Nikos Androulakis, arrived in Charilaou Trikoupi where he was greeted with celebratory slogans by his gathered supporters and under the sounds of “Good Morning Iliye”.

The newly elected president of KINAL in his statements said that “today opens a new page for the history of the Democratic Party and PASOK. A new era with dynamism, optimism and confidence”.

Mr. Androulakis added that “united we will proceed to the rebirth of tradition”, thanking the thousands of voters of the party who honored him with their vote.

Moreover, he thanked his co-candidates by name for the dignified struggle they gave, as he said, and called on them to defend all together, uniting the legacy of Fofi Gennimata for “unity and political autonomy”.

“The showdown is over tonight. There are no winners and no vanquished. The only winner is PASOK and the Democratic party”, stressed Mr. Androulakis.

Finally, he said that he is fully aware of the responsibilities he has undertaken and pledged “to win the party and the country. We embark together on a nice journey. The Democratic Party is back. PASOK is back and is strong here united. Be well and have a good fight for us.”

The phone call Papandreou to Androulakis and the zeibekiko of consolation

After the first results for the elections for the leadership of KINAL, Giorgos Papandreou invited Nikos Androulakis to congratulate him. The former prime minister phoned Nikos Androulakis shortly after 8 a.m. to congratulate him. “We did a good fight,” she told him. “With unity we will grow the party and the faction. Mr President, we will do everything as we should,” the triumphant of the elections was quoted as saying to have replied to G. Papandreou.

George Papandreou was found in a fish tavern in Exarchia, with his associates after the announcement of the results.

Without the stress of the elections and in order to thank his associates, who gave all this time a great fight for his candidacy, dined in a well-known fish tavern in the center of Athens, the former Prime Minister danced the “Cloudy Sunday” – his father’s favorite zeibekiko – and uploaded the video from the dance to Facebook.

The phone of Kyriakos Mitsotakis to Androulakis and the wait-and-see attitude of Tsipras

A congratulatory phone call from the Prime Minister, Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, was received by the winner of the elections in KINAL, Mr. Nikos Androulakis.

Unlike New Democracy, Koumoundourou is sceptical about the new president of the Movement for Change.” Any leadership will be called upon to make decisions,” they said from Koumoundourou. Alexis Tsipras is expected to call the new President of KINAL today to congratulate him.

The next day’s bet – Many new faces are expected in shape

Many new faces are expected to have a role in the next day of the Movement for Change, many of them from the close circle of Mr. Androulakis’ close circle of associates. Great anxiety, however, also prevails for the head of the K.O. with the whispers that are heard ending up either in Kostas Skandalidis or in Michalis Katrinis.

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