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  • Πόροι της Σελήνης: Το νέο πεδίο διεθνούς ανταγωνισμού

    Πόροι της Σελήνης: Το νέο πεδίο διεθνούς ανταγωνισμού

    Καθώς οι ΗΠΑ μόλις ανακοίνωσαν την επιτυχημένη αποστολή Artemis I της NASA -όπου ένα μη επανδρωμένο διαστημόπλοιο Orion περιεστράφει γύρω από τη Σελήνη- ως πρώτο σημαντικό βήμα στα σχέδιά τους να στείλουν αστροναύτες στη Σελήνη μέχρι το τέλος της δεκαετίας, καταλήγει ότι οι δύο χώρες βρίσκονται σε διαστημική κούρσα.

    Πόροι της Σελήνης: Το νέο πεδίο διεθνούς ανταγωνισμού
  • Mitsotakis: Greece’s image abroad is now very positive

    Mitsotakis: Greece's image abroad is now very positive

    "We saw natural gas rates that were ten times higher than those we had two years ago. Consequently the international economy has to deal with a phenomenon that required measures at the level of central banks from all the advanced economies," Mitsotakis said.

    Mitsotakis: Greece’s image abroad is now very positive
  • Greece: authorities plan to increase the minimum wage to 780 euros

    Greece: authorities plan to increase the minimum wage to 780 euros

    In 2012, the minimum wage was 751 euros, but then the purchasing power of the euro was at least 2 times higher. Even now, with the promised 780 euros, the standard of living will be 2 times lower than three years earlier.

    Greece: authorities plan to increase the minimum wage to 780 euros
  • New green and innovative Business Park in Fyli, near Athens

    New green and innovative Business Park in Fyli, near Athens

    The project's budget will amount to 32 million euros and includes interventions to connect the park with Attiki Odos and the national railway network

    New green and innovative Business Park in Fyli, near Athens
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