Alonissos: The No. 1 diving destination in the world
"It acts as a true siren for scuba divers," writes National Geographic
"It acts as a true siren for scuba divers," writes National Geographic
The 2nd European Conference on Border Management will be held in Athens on February 23-24, the Greek Migration & Asylum Ministry announced on Monday.
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday spoke of agreements that “change the energy map of Southeast Europe” in joint statements with the President of Bulgaria, Ruben Radev, in Athens after the signing of two memoranda on energy infrastructure with the neighboring country. According to the prime minister, these agreements (which may include the possible construction of an Alexandroupolis-Burgas pipeline) will make the two countries energy providers in the European Union and will contribute to Europe’s energy security.
Domestic wine consumption in Greece increased by 41.3% in the 2021-2022 wine season compared to the 2020-21 season, approaching the high levels of 2013, 2014, according to a sectoral study on wine=making, prepared by the company Stochasis Management Consultancy.
Η προσφορά των εισιτηρίων θα γίνει σταδιακά: Θα ξεκινήσει με τις αγορές της Νοτιοανατολικής Ασίας, ακολουθούμενη από την ηπειρωτική Κίνα και τη Βόρεια Ασία και, τέλος, άλλα μέρη του κόσμου.
«Αναμένουμε το selloff μέσα στους επόμενους δύο μήνες», υπογράμμισε ο Γκιγιέρμο Όσες, επικεφαλής του fund για το χρέος στις αναδυόμενες αγορές, με έδρα τη Νέα Υόρκη.