Τhe 51 products of Greece’s “Household basket”
The supermarkets included in the measure must have at least one product from each product category included in the household basket at an affordable price
The supermarkets included in the measure must have at least one product from each product category included in the household basket at an affordable price
Kri Kri exports to more than 40 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia
Kri Kri exports to more than 40 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia
According to the media outlet, Good Housekeeping chose the Lower Sugar Meltémi Greek Yogurt, which is produced by Meltémi Brands, Inc.
Στο τετράμηνο Ιανουάριος – Απρίλιος εφέτος, οι πωλήσεις τυποποιημένου παγωτού καταγράφουν μείωση τόσο σε αξία όσο και σε όγκο
Τσινάβος (Κρι – Κρι): Έμφαση στην εξωστρέφεια και στη βιωσιμότητα - Νέες επενδύσεις 10 εκατ. ευρώ στην παραγωγή γιαουρτιού