Wood: Σύσταση buy και υψηλότερες τιμές-στόχοι για τις ελληνικές τράπεζες
Τι προβλέπει για το ελληνικό ΑΕΠ
Τι προβλέπει για το ελληνικό ΑΕΠ
In January, new drawings/draws of “vacation vouchers” (“διακοπο-voucher”) will be held, in particular, under the programs “Tourism for All” and “North Evia Pass” (North Evia Pass), announced Vassilis Kikilias.
Complaints from consumers can be made on that platform concerning infringements within Greece, within the European Union or even outside the EU.
Fuel prices in Greece, especially in terms of the cost of petrol and diesel fuel, are among the highest in Europe, while fuel oil prices, on the contrary, are among the lowest, as there is still a state budget for it. grant.
If the consumer prefers products from the “family basket”, he saves about 70 euros per month.
Port charges are the second biggest cost after fuel