English Edition

Every Friday until the end of December, the Acropolis Museum is holding a special tour

Goblins invade the Acropolis Museum this year!

Every Friday until the end of December, the Acropolis Museum is holding a special tour, in English (at 6 p.m.), of the Parthenon Gallery. The highlight of the tour is two vessels from Toronto, Canada, that are closely related to the Parthenon’s frieze and reveal known and unknown aspects of the Great Panathenaia. For more information, visit theacropolismuseum.gr.

Goblins invade the Acropolis Museum this year! There they meet various mischievous creatures of antiquity, such as Satyrs and Pana and… what do you think they are up to? They mix up the captions of the exhibits and visitors get the wrong information!

The archaeologists of the Museum are in a panic. So they enlist the help of the kids to fix the mess and keep the rioters at bay. As a helper, they take Medusa, the mythical creature that drives away evil with its terrible appearance. Or so the ancients believed. What do you say, we’ll all make it together?