Started in 2002, today the Greek Wikipedia (Βικιπαίδεια), collaboratively written entirely by volunteers, offers a wealth of information in its more than 215,000 entries, with approximately 41 million page views per month. Wikipedia is owned by the Wikimedia Foundation and the English Wikipedia now has over 6.5 million entries.
Wikipedia content is freely available and anyone can use it, change it, or even exploit it commercially, as long as they state that the copyright belongs to Wikipedia, and that the same terms apply to their own content.
In its 20 years of existence, in addition to Wikipedia’s 215,000 entries, the Wiktionary has also been developed in the Greek language with 810,000 entries, Wikithecia with 15,300 primary texts (from Homer and Aristotle, poems from the Greek Anthology, the Thurio of Riga Velestinli, Byzantine hymns and later writers, laws, administrative and public documents) and the shared media repository, Wikimedia Commons, with 88,853,242 freely usable media files.
The community of users of Wikipedia and other Greek-language Wikimedia projects invites anyone who wants to contribute to its work to participate.