English Edition

Locals decry eco-destruction in Syngrou Forest

The service also said their work is frequently interrupted because residents call the police.

The destruction of the ecosystem in the Syngrou Forest in northern Athens has been denounced by local residents, who claim that during ongoing cleaning operations, all low plants – shrubs, herbs etc – have been indiscriminately uprooted, while several turtles have been killed by heavy machinery.

For their part, the forestry services claim the estate has not been cleared for 40 years, and has become a veritable jungle, which greatly increases the chances of disaster in the event of a fire.

The service also said their work is frequently interrupted because residents call the police.

“We are looking for every legal way to stop the destruction of the forest and its life,” said Rena Hatzidaki, a member of an association called “The Syngrou Forest Belongs to its Citizens.”

“We appealed to the forestry department, but we were not listened to. Now we have asked for the study to see what has been approved,” she added.

The 94.3-hectare Syngrou Estate is located on the borders of the municipalities of Kifissia, Maroussi and Melissia.

It has been managed by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (IGE) since 1988.

Giorgos Balotis, director of the IGE, said that roughly 2.5 hectares is agricultural and used for educational purposes.

This area, he said, is often cleared by the IGE, but any intervention in the rest must be approved by the Penteli Forestry Department.