English Edition

Greek Presidential Guard Marches on to Western Australia

City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas said the commemorative visit marks the anniversary of the day Greece entered World War Two for the Allies, cementing historic ties with Australia.

The visiting delegation of Evzones from the Greek Presidential Guard has made its way to Perth, Western Australia where it will march down St Georges Terrace today Friday 4 November before attending a flag-raising ceremony outside Council House to mark Greece’s National OHI Day, announced the city Council.

City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas said the commemorative visit marks the anniversary of the day Greece entered World War Two for the Allies, cementing historic ties with Australia.

“The City of Perth has a deep respect for a relationship that was forged between two countries during a war that saw some of our very own fighting side-by-side half a world away,” Mr Zempilas said.

“I encourage anyone who lives or works in the City and all of our visitors to come and witness a part of history by watching part of Greek’s Presidential Guard march down St George’s Terrace and hold a flag-raising ceremony outside Council House,” he said.

“This is a unique opportunity to see all the pomp, ceremony and symbolism of an elite unit that you would normally have to travel overseas to experience.”

The Greek Consul in Perth, Georgia Karasiotou, said the Evzones are a very recognisable icon of Greece.

“They inspire awe and admiration to Greeks and international visitors alike. To have them here in Perth is extremely fortunate,” Ms Karasiotou said.

The Presidential Guard will start marching down St Georges Terrace from the Duxton Hotel at midday.

A flag-raising ceremony will be held outside Council House at approximately 12:10pm before an official Reception is held inside with the Lord Mayor, City of Perth CEO and the Greek Consul, among other dignitaries.