English Edition

30 US Universities To Explore Academic Cooperation In Greece

The aim is to enable students, researchers and professors from Greek universities to interact with their colleagues from, among others, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins universities, and to conduct joint researches, exchange knowhow or receive double or joint degrees in the near future.

A delegation of 30 US universities will arrive in Greece in early November to explore the potential of new collaborations with Greek public universities and to build on existing collaboration programs.

The aim is to enable students, researchers and professors from Greek universities to interact with their colleagues from, among others, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins universities, and to conduct joint researches, exchange knowhow or receive double or joint degrees in the near future.

There is also intereste for ongoing collaborations between universities from the two countries to expand further.

Over seventy US university rectors, deans and professors are expected to arrive in Athens, according to the cultural attaché of the US Embassy to Greece, Shanna Dietz Surendra.

“It is a really historic visit, it will be the largest delegation of US universities to another country and this is very important,” Dietz Surendra told the Athens-Macedonian News Agency.This is going to be a cooperation with all the Greek public universities, the American cultural attaché added, which amplifies the range of those who can benefit from the relations between the two countries’ institutions.

Several US universities already have collaborations of some sort with Greek public universities, which they are looking to expand.

The oldest collaboration is the one between the Cincinatti and Aristotle universities, which dates back to the 1960s; thanks to it, dozens of American students have participated in archaeological excavations in Greece, while their Greek colleagues attended classic studies in the US.

Recently, students from the University of Cincinnati were also enabled to attend the english-language philosophy course at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a new collaboration with the biology department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is also in the works, according to AMNA.

Michigan State University runs a joint PhD program with the Athens Polytechnic. The latter is among the three Greek universities which have signed memoranda of collaboration with the University of Kentucky, the other two being the Aristotle University and the University of Western Macedonia.

John Hopkins University also has research collaborations in place with several Greek universities, such as the University of Crete, the Ionian University and the University of Patras.