English Edition

The “smart” and “green” islands of the Aegean

Tilos, Naxos lead the way in critical sectors such as energy, transport and recycling - How the lives of the residents have changed

An idea born in the summer of 2021 in Antiparos, in talks between the Greek Prime Minister and the main shareholder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, began to take shape in early October. The dynamics and extroversion that Naxos has developed in recent years made it ideal for transformation into a “smart island” and to lay the foundations for the “Naxos, Smart Island” project which will be based on the technical infrastructure offered by Amazon Web Services.

Tilos: Energy autonomous and with many awards

The first “energy” island of the Mediterranean and with the European Union’s… stamp is none other than the unspoiled Tilos. In terms of population, it has approximately the same number of inhabitants as Lipsi, with the latest census figures speaking of 745. Despite its small size, which was perhaps an advantage for achieving all the “green” goals – within four years has managed to win four European awards for the pioneering hybrid energy production unit that has made Tilos energy independent but also made quite a few headlines in the international press.

In 2019, an idea that seemed utopian in 2014 was implemented, that of creating an intelligent energy micro-grid on the island. this entailed a model hybrid power generation and storage station, consisting of a medium-scale wind turbine of 800kW, a small-scale photovoltaic park of 160kW and an energy storage system of accumulators (batteries) with an energy capacity of 2.88MWh, ensuring energy autonomy which during the winter months reaches 100%, while in the summer 70%.

This first was the basis for other innovative and “green” practices. The municipality monitors electricity consumption, manages water resources while regulating municipal lighting remotely, through the use of new technologies. In fact, Tilos took its first steps in electrification this summer, as the first 50-seater electric municipal bus was operating and serving citizens and tourists. At the same time, the municipality has procured cars and trucks that are also electric. Chargers have also been installed.

As far as waste management is concerned, according to mayor Maria Kamma, not even half a kilo of garbage ends up ion landfills. Besides, the landfill has also been closed and turned into a Circular Economy Center. “There are no bins on the island, while collection is done from house to house three times a week. From a total of 200 tons of household waste, 60% has been recycled, while with compost this percentage reaches 90%. It is no exaggeration to say that even cigarette butts are recycled,” noted Ms. Kamma.