English Edition

Sports & Wellness

The SNFCC is the ideal place for such action, as the abundance of paths creates many routes of all levels of difficulty.

As sporting events take place outdoors, in case of adverse weather conditions they may be canceled or re-located. For more information about their conduct (possible transfer of actions to another location or cancellation due to weather conditions), stay tuned to snfcc.org or contact us by phone at 216 8091000.

Power walking and Nordic Walking are considered very good aerobic exercises, due to the activation of more muscles! The SNFCC is the ideal place for such action, as the abundance of paths creates many routes of all levels of difficulty. The use of special sticks is recommended

23, 30/10 09.00-10.15


For participants aged 50 and over. Up to 20 entries

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis

Due to public health measures there may be changes either in relation to the conduct of the event or in relation to the number of entries.