English Edition

Yoga in the Park

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis.

As sporting events take place outdoors, in case of adverse weather conditions they may be canceled or re-located. For more information about their conduct (possible transfer of actions to another location or cancellation due to weather conditions), stay tuned to snfcc.org or contact us by phone at 216 8091000.If we wanted to describe yoga in three words, we would say physical and mental well-being. Under the guidance of experienced physical education professionals and through a series of exercises and breathing techniques, we strengthen our body, improve our balance and enhance our concentration and relaxation.

Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring their own yoga mat.

Design-Implementation: Rebirth & Progress

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis.

Due to public health measures there may be changes either in relation to the conduct of the event or in relation to the number of entries.