English Edition

Masks to remain optional in schools, Plevris says

Greek students return to school on September 12.

Greece will probably not require students or staff to wear masks in schools for the upcoming school year, Health Minister Thanos Plevris on Monday, despite stubbornly high Covid-19 infection levels across the country.

“We do not wish to introduce additional measures [against Covid-19]. Any new measures should be mild,” Plevris said on Monday.

“I believe that masking must remain a recommendation and not an order,” he said.

The conservative minister also ruled out regular coronavirus screening for students and staff in favor of “targeted” Covid-19 testing.

Education Minister Niki Kerameus made similar comments on Sunday.

Greek students return to school on September 12.

Health authorities announced 55,769 new cases of Covid-19 and 258 virus-related deaths for the week between August 15 and August 22. The country has registered 32,335 Covid-related deaths since the start of the pandemic.