English Edition

President visits Greek-speaking villages of Southern Italy

The Greek president was accompanied by Culture and Sports Minister Lina Mendoni and received a warm welcome from the residents of Apulia, who greeted her with songs in the local Griko dialect and traditional dances.

The Greek president was accompanied by Culture and Sports Minister Lina Mendoni and received a warm welcome from the residents of Apulia, who greeted her with songs in the local Griko dialect and traditional dances.

The president highlighted the Greek roots of the local residents in her speech and celebrated the “brotherly bonds” with Greece.

She visited the villages of Castrignano dei Greci, Carpignano Salentino, Melpignano, Zollino, Calimera, Martignano and Sternatia.

Upon her arrival in Brindisi on Friday, Sakellaropoulou held a conversation over the telephone with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, expressing her thanks for the hospitality extended to her and shared how deeply moved she was to be visiting the Greek-speaking villages of Apulia. [AMNA]