English Edition

A horrible crime in Athens: Gruesome murder of a 7 years old child in Kypseli [pic]

In an attempt to hide the body, the two, (mother and her partner), buried the poor dead child in the rooftop.

A man and a woman were arrested in Athens on Saturday for killing the 7-year-old child of the woman, back in January 2017 and hiding its body in the house, police sources said.

According to the case file, the crime occurred in the apartment the former couple shared in the district of Kypseli.

The 33-year-old man, a Polish national, is said to have duck taped his partner son’s mouth for being noisy, which resulted in the child’s suffocation. The 29-year-old mother, who’s Greek, was present at the scene.

In an attempt to hide the body, the two, (mother and her partner), buried the poor dead child in the rooftop.

When the owner of the apartment evicted the couple, the man put the child’s bones in a toolbox which he later hid in a sofa of the next apartment he rented in the same district. The couple later broke up.

Police sources said authorities received a tip about the boy’s disappearance and detained the parents late Friday night. The mother had initially claimed to others that her former husband had taken the child to Poland and disappeared, but during the interrogation they both confessed to the crime, the same sources said.

The mother also has an 8-year-old daughter. The two suspects will be led before a prosecutor on Monday.