English Edition

Covid Greece: The music returns and the schedule is released

Covid Greece: Greece will allow music in restaurants and bars again and extend their operating hours as it lifts some of the restrictions imposed last month now that coronavirus infections and the pressure on hospitals are easing, authorities said on Thursday.

Greece will allow music in restaurants and bars again and extend their operating hours as it lifts some of the restrictions imposed last month now that coronavirus infections and the pressure on hospitals are easing, authorities said on Thursday.

Music and normal business hours are restored, the number of spectators in the stadiums remains the same, however the increase of the capacity in the stadiums will be redefined next week.

Finally, the validity of the vaccination certificate is extended until 7/2, since many vaccinations were postponed due to the bad weather “Elpida”. The easing of restrictions will take effect from next Monday, January 31, at 6 am.

Coronavirus 27/1: 19,712 new cases – 112 deaths

 At 19,712 cases today, Thursday, January 27, according to the announcement of EODY. Also, as announced, the coronavirus intubation in the intensive care units is 633, while the new deaths recorded from the disease are 112. The new laboratory-confirmed cases of the disease recorded in the last 24 hours are 19,712, of which 70 were identified after checks at the country’s gates. The total number of cases amounts to 1,867,935 (daily change + 1.1%), of which 49.8% are men. Based on the confirmed cases of the last 7 days, 380 are considered to be related to travel from abroad and 1,113 are related to an already known case.