English Edition

Covid-19 infections to exceed 15.000 today

As Health Minister. Mr. Plevris said Covid-19 infections set to exceed 15.000 today

Health Minister Mr. Thanos Plevris, said on state TV that today and tomorrow the cases of coronavirus will show a jumping increase.

Today, as the minister said, according to the data so far, the cases that will be announced by EODY, will be over 15,000.

As he explained, this is because the Omicron mutation is gradually prevailing, something for which the government was prepared.

“Right now, because Omicron prevails, we have to be prepared and not panic about the numbers we will see. Today we are over 15,000 which means that we will have more cases than ever before in many thousands of tests. “Omicron is more contagious, although it has milder symptoms.”

As Mr. Plevris pointed out, tomorrow the Infectious Diseases Committee will meet again in order to evaluate the situation and assess the new data, while the committee will meet if necessary every day, to review the measures taken.

“There are great difficulties in controlling people. If necessary, the measures will be taken sooner. The crucial thing for us, however, that we want citizens to hear us because young people are getting sick, at the New Year’ Eve dinner,  do not get in touch with your grandparents.

“We are worried about the family reunions that will take place in the coming days. Therefore, anyone who feels that he has a symptom, or even if he does not have a symptom but has come into contact with a case, should avoid contact and not put himself in danger, especially the elderly”, said Mr. Plevris.

Everything is fluid

Mr. Plevris left open the possibility of taking more measures more immediately, as experts will assess both the situation in the transmission of the virus and the admissions to hospitals that may lead to an overwhelming National Health System.